Experiencing the power of the resurrection
In one of his letters, Paul says that he wants to know Christ, he wants to know the power of his resurrection and the participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. (Phil. 3:10)
What could it mean to know the power of his resurrection?
Maybe, just like with his sufferings, we need to reflect on the nature of his resurrection.
When we think of Jesu's sufferings we would be mistaken if we would compare them to any other sufferings of any other human being. Many have suffered unjustly, many have suffered on behalf of loved ones, many have suffered undeserved pains. Every human being experiences suffering in one form or another.
But Jesus' sufferings had the peculiarity of being caused by his obedience to his call. The sufferings Paul refers to as Jesus' sufferings were caused by the choice of total surrender to the Father's will in order to bring forth His kingdom and make it available to human kind. To suffer because we choose to act and react according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that is to suffer Jesus' sufferings.
So what about the resurrection? How can it be possible to know the power of his resurrection in our life?
I have tried to reflect on that question because I believe that understanding it is crucial to the new life we are called to live in Christ.
Jesus' resurrection is God's life that overcomes death and brings glory to God confirming His design not ours.
Only if we die we can know the power of a resurrection, so we need to die. When we are in a situation in which obedience to Christ means denial of our will, our right, our desire, our advantage, that is when we have a chance to know the power of Jesus' resurrection. We can experience a life that flows directly from God upon our dead ego, our dead personal will, our dead emotions. His life will come and produce something totally new in us. We will be empowered with the ability to share the resurrection that enabled Jesus to overcome death and take his rightful place at the right hand of the Father.
We are seated in heaven, Jesus' resurrections is ours to experience now, today. nothing can keep us in our grave. If, even when we experience death, we choose faithfulness to the Father, he will resurrect us from whatever that grave is represented by.
Many situations can come back to life, but only when they come back to life because of God's direct intervention and with the purpose of glorifying God than we are talking about experiencing the power of Jesus' resurrection.
I absolutely love this! It gives me so much to think about and reflect on
Thank for your insight to the resurrection, I so enjoy how you put things it brings out in a way that I wouldn’t have thought of. Love in Jesus Aunt Jo