Is our motivation Fear or Love?

So, a young mother and her son are in the desert waiting, to die.
Now the question is: What caused them to find themselves in such a desperate situation?

It was fear. No, no their fear. It was the fear of a powerful woman who felt that they were a threat to her privileges as a wife and to her son's privileges, as a firstborn.
Sarah felt threatened by, Agar, her slave and she kicked her out in the desert with her son, to die.

That happens today in the world.

Privileged countries send to the desert to die those who they feel are a threat to their own well-being.

But what did God do? God heard the cries, God opened the eyes, God gave them water and helped them live.

That is what we want to do here at Anastasis. We want to go and bring water to our friends in Melele.

We want to learn to react, not out of fear but out of love.

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