Love Him as you are while you seek to become as He is!

A new year has started and the resurrection carries in it all the potential of life an transformational power that it has always had.

But while we accept the challenge of rising to His call, let us not forget that we are called to love Him now, just as we are! 

The ANASTASIS team shares this wish with you through the words of Mons. Leburn

  • “I know your misery, the struggles and tribulations of your soul, the weaknesses and infirmities of your body; I know your cowardice, your sins, and nevertheless I say: Give me your heart, love me as you are…If you wait to be an angel to start loving, you will never love. Even if you are weak in the practice of virtue and duty, if you fall often in those faults that you would like not to commit anymore, I do not allow you to not love me. Love me as you are.


  • In any instant and in whatever situation you are, in fervor or aridity, fidelity or infidelity, love me… as you are… I want the love of your poor heart; if you wait to be perfect, you will never love me. Could I not transform every grain of sand into a seraph radiant of purity, nobility and love? Am I not the Almighty? And if I prefer the poor love of your heart, am I not the master of my love?
  • My son, let me love you, I want your heart. Of course I want to transform you over time, but for now I love you as you are… and I want you to do the same; I want to see from the slums of misery come love. I love you even in your weakness, I love the love of the poor and miserable; I want a cry to continually rise from your rags: Jesus I love you.
  • I want only the song of your heart, I do not need your knowledge, nor your talent. Only one thing I care about, to see you work with love. It is not your virtues that I want; if I gave you any, you are so weak that they would just feed your pride; do not worry about it. I could assign you to great things; no, you will be the unprofitable servant; I’ll take away even the little you have… because I created you only for love.
  • Today I stand at the door of your heart like a beggar, I am the King of Kings! I knock and wait; hurry up to open the door. Do not worsen your misery; if you knew perfectly your indigence, you would die of pain. What would hurt my heart is to see you doubting me and lacking confidence.
  • I want you to think of me every hour of the day or night; I want you to do even the most insignificant action only for love. I rely on you to give me joy…Do not worry about not having virtues; I’ll give you mine. When you have to suffer, I will give you the strength. You gave me love, I will make you able to love beyond what you can dream…
  • But remember… Love me as you are…I gave you my Mother: make everything go through her heart so pure.
  • Whatever happens, do not wait to be a saint to abandon yourself to love, or you would never love.”

(Mons. Lebrun)

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This is the truth I will take with me today. Love Jesus just as you are because He loves you just as you are.

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