Spreading the ANASTASIS symbol in Europe

How many of us dream to go to Europe!

Because my father was Italian and I raised my family in Italy all the members of the Anastasis team are connected with Italy.

This year, regardless of the difficulties caused by the pandemic, some of us where able to visit our home country and spread the symbol of the empty tomb in Rome, Sicily, Naples and other areas. 

Friends that own a bed and breakfast have shared the decals with their guests from other European countries and placed the bumper sticker on their car. 

Every time, we have the chance to speak about the power of the resurrection and the hope of new life that Christ has provided by rising and ascending to the right of the Father as King and Savior for all.  

We are encouraged and excited about continuing in this call. 

Symbols can be very powerful only if they communicate truth and commitment.

Our desire is that through this symbol the powerful meaning of the resurrection will bless many.

Enjoy our pictures from our stay in Italy


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