We are glad to announce our first MISSION COLLECTION

Thank you for being part of the Anastasis family and for supporting us.

This week marks the beginning of an exciting new direction for Anastasis.

From now on, every three months, we will create an ANASTASIS MISSION COLLECTION with three main criteria.

1. This collection will be composed of products that will display the symbol of the empty tomb. 

2. The suppliers we choose will reflect the values of Anastasis: fair-trade, environment respect, dignity and honesty.

3. 100% of the profits will support a  selected mission project 

If you buy one item from every ANASTASIS MISSION  COLLECTION (4 products a year), you will be part of a movement that helps

  • spread the gospel symbol of hope and new life
  • invest  in businesses that support life instead of consuming it
  • bring  life where there is a sentence of death

Are you in this with us? We are waiting for you.

Thank you



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